I am currently looking to upload a lambda function to AWS.
It will trigger the build bash script, and generate a JSON file with the following.
"path": "my_path",
"zip_file": "/tmp/"
We are using the following terraform resources to invoke the customized build script (build.bash) to build the zip file.
data "external" "build_zip" {
program = ["bash", "-c", "build.bash"]
resource "aws_lambda_function" "test_lambda" {
source_code_hash = filesha256(data.external.build_zip.result.zip_file)
We expected a new lambda function should be deployed to remote for each trigger.
The terraform does not ensure the lambda function will be deployed every time and it becomes a random behavior, it might or might not be deployed to remote unless we check the code from the AWS console.
Possible reason
data "external" "build_zip" { <-- this might only trigger once
program = ["bash", "-c", "build.bash"]
# following statement does not support
triggers = {
always_run = timestamp() <-- ensure it will trigger each time
resource "null_resource" "build_zip" {
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "build.bash""
interpreter = ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
triggers = {
always_run = timestamp()
data "local_file" "zip_file_location" {
filename = "/tmp/"
depends_on = [ null_resource.build_zip ]
resource "aws_lambda_function" "test_lambda" {
source_code_hash = filesha256(data.local_file.zip_file_location)
depends_on = [ data.local_file.zip_file_location ]
The above code can ensure build script will be triggered every time.
Better resolution ( only update when the code changes)
used sha1 to watch a directory
resource "null_resource" "build_zip" {
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "build.bash""
interpreter = ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
triggers = {
dir_hash = sha1(join("", [for f in fileset("/tmp/my-dir/", "**"): filesha1("my-dir/${f}")]))
data "local_file" "zip_file_location" {
filename = "/tmp/my-dir/"
depends_on = [ null_resource.build_zip ]
resource "aws_lambda_function" "test_lambda" {
source_code_hash = filesha256(data.local_file.zip_file_location)
depends_on = [ data.local_file.zip_file_location ]
Some people might ask why don’t you use the preferred way from from AWS provider official documents like the following.
data "archive_file" "lambda" {
type = "zip"
source_file = "lambda.js"
output_path = ""
As my company will inject some fields or shared private dependency libraries into the zip file, which does not commit to the GIT repo, we only fetch those resources from “build.bash” script.