I spend my whole life with issues with my tonsils. Finally I removed both of them at 20SEP2021.
I would like to leave a record about my journey. And hopefully it is helpful.
My surgery is using an Electrosurgical Unit. It can reduce the bleeding during the operation and improve the progress for recovering.
Before entering the operating room I am not allowed to eat and drink in order to prevent those items from blocking my breathing during the surgery.
The whole surgery is conducted under General Anaesthesia. In this case, you will get a Nap and when you wake up, your tonsils are gone already.
TBH, I got advice from my doctor that the post surgery is not easy going, meaning it will come with painful days.
Thanks to the General Anaesthesia I feel nothing 24 hours after the surgery.
However, the nightmare starts from day 2. It is hard to have any foods and drinks as the eating process is painful.
Fortunately , I have Intravenous therapy to prevent losing water from my body.
My doctor suggested that I should avoid solid and sharp foods as they might scratch the tonsils holes and let you bleed . At the same time you should have iced food and drink in order to reduce the painful feelings.
So I followed the instructions from my doctor and left the hospital on day 3.
Things run well until day 6 after my surgery, I get massive bleeding in the morning. It is so scary for myself as I am brushing my teeth and the blood just pops out.
My mom called 999 which is 911 in HK to get an ambulance.
The officers told us that I am bleeding inside and they can do nothing for it. We put an ice pack on my neck and hope it can help.
So, when I arrived at the public hospital my bleeding was almost done and the E&R doctor told me it was normal.
It is quite surprising that the E&R doctor opened a Wikipedia-like page and read the post surgery handling in Cantonese for me.
My mom called my specialist doctor to have a consultation immediately after we are done with the E&R doctor. It is so sad that the public hospital doctor is only able to give me some Hemostatic pills.
My specialist takes a look at my tonsils hole and finds out that it is covered by a lot of yellowish exudate and he has managed to suck those things out.
He asked me to stand at the hospital for further study and refused to have any food and drink in order to find the bleeding point.
So, I have to be hospitalized again.
At the end (day 10), we cannot find any bleeding point and I almost feel nothing.
Here is some of my advice.
1.Try to eat as usual
2. Avoid iced water and food as my doctor said warmer stuff actually improved the recovery
3. Take painkiller from the doctor
4. Avoid to talk too much
5. Take mouthwash each hours to ensure the hole is cleaned
6. Have warned water
7. Get rest as much as possible